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Welcome back to our &Member Spotlight series. This month we’re sitting down with music producer, boutique record label owner, artist manager and visionary, Icekream

Ice is the founder of the Miami-based record label, Kream Kingdom. Founded in 2020, Kream Kingdom went from being a dream concept to reality built to make timeless songs and break musical genre boundaries.

Ice is inspired by the world around him, his brightest ideas often come first thing in the morning when he’s sipping on his coffee or stuck in traffic. But the beauty is in the balance – his post-cardio runners high helps keep the good vibrations going and he’ll often visit the park to decompress and connect with nature.

Fun fact: He’s lived in 5 countries and speaks 4 languages and considers himself a child of the earth. “To say I’m multicultural is an understatement,” says Ice.

When speaking about his experience in our space, Ice shared, “I was looking for a co-working space and when I found Ampersand Studios and discovered the creative aspect of it and its location, that was all really I needed to be convinced. It’s been my home for 3 years.”

Thank you, Icekream, for sitting down with us for this month’s spotlight and for being a valued member of our community.

To learn more, visit Kream Kingdom or follow IceKream on Instagram. As Ice would say, stay frosty my friends! 🥶



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Meet Carli Grommet, Owner and Lead Designer of CG Studio Interiors, and Ampersand Studios Nashville Member.  “My business specializes in creating luxury residential interiors through architecture + design, providing white glove, turnkey service to our clients in the greater Nashville area and beyond. I’ve been working in the design industry

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