vic garcia

Ready, set… now entering Vic Garcia World

Vic Garcia is a local Miami artist who found his passion and joy by expressing himself through art. Vic Garcia World was created to bring his community a sense of joy, happiness, and smiles through his art, clothes, and brand, while also providing them the opportunity to disconnect from the real world and welcome anyone who wants to join the dream and journey. 

In Vic Garcia World, every piece –  whether it’s a canvas or a mural – is made up of characters who all contribute to spreading good energy and good vibes throughout their space.

We met with Vic for a peek into his world and tour of his studio and got the opportunity to get to know a little bit more about the visionary behind the art:

At what age did you realize you wanted to be an artist / creator?

What started as pen and marker drawings on copy paper quickly evolved into a whole world populated by an overflow of characters I created. Using my art to express things I never could with words, my freestyle work and newly realized passion soon began to infest my room from walls to beneath the bed. Everyone, from my friends to guests wanted to take a piece of Vic Garcia World home with them, but it wasn’t until after college when I went to work for my dad that it became obvious that art had completely taken over my life. Lost in the world I created, I made the decision to go full-throttle into what came so naturally to me.

What inspires you?

The everyday world inspires me, I get a little bit of inspiration from everyone I come across.

What could you never live without?

Family is the most important thing. My family and friends bring a sense of happiness and joy to me that’s needed to create this art and inspire me to keep on going and keep chasing this dream.

What advice would you give to up and coming artist or kids who dream to become artists one day?

You have to believe in yourself first. Not everyday is going to be an amazing day but you have to keep chasing your dream, putting your heart and passion into whatever dream you’re going to attack. I think there’s space for anyone that wants to be an artist. It’s just knocking on the right doors and making it happen.

What project do you have coming up next?

The possibilities are endless of what can be done. The way I’ve put the world I created together left a lot of doors open to do things at the right time, and collaborate with the right people. I’m looking forward to working on new collections of clothes, more murals, and the project with you all.

For more from Vic Garcia, join us for a pop-up experience hosted at Ampersand Studios on Friday, July 14th. To RSVP, click here.

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