
Meet Todd Orlando, co-founder and CEO of Defy Mortgage and Ampersand Studios Nashville Member. With over 20 years of experience in banking and financial services, Todd is on a mission to revolutionize the mortgage industry. Beyond his work in finance, Todd is also a co-founder of two software companies, an active real estate investor, and a husband and father of three. Learn more about Todd’s journey, his vision for Defy Mortgage, and why he thrives in the community-driven environment of Ampersand Studios.

Who are you and what do you do?  

Disruptor. Husband/Father. Real estate investor. Co-founder. 

I’ve spent 20+ years in banking and financial services working to broaden access to lending – First Republic, Morgan Stanley. In 2022, I launched Defy Mortgage to provide real estate investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed individuals with a secure, streamlined, and personalized lending experience tailored to meet their specific needs. I know firsthand how access to the right mortgage can make or break a project and how today’s borrowers need flexible financial partners and creative lending options tailored to their unique needs and lifestyles. Traditional banks are rigid, and their one-size-fits-all approach is outdated. That’s why I created Defy — to stay ahead of the curve, set new standards in lending, and deliver personalized, non-traditional lending solutions for those looking to purchase or refinance. I’m here to set new standards in the industry. 

Beyond that, I am a co-founder of two software companies in commercial lending and healthcare tech, an active real estate investor, have two dogs, husband and father of three.  

What’s something we don’t know about you? 

 Grew up in LA – huge Laker fan. Named my dog after Magic Johnson actually. Any fellow Laker fans in the office? 

What inspires or motivates you to get out of bed? 

You’ve got one life — make it count.  

What is one thing you can’t live without?  

My family.  

Where do your brightest ideas come from?   

Taking a step back and just thinking strategically — usually at night after I’ve had time to process the day’s information and experiences. The same goes for after listening to a podcast and feeling inspired, catching up with family/friends and discussing professional growth, values, purpose, and goals.  

How do you spark your creativity when you’re feeling in a rut? 

Stepping away from the usual workspace helps. A walk outside, visiting a new place, or even just moving to a different room can refresh my perspective. Listening to or reading inspiring content, and shifting my focus to a different task — usually something relaxing or low-pressure — gives my brain a break, and ideas often pop up when I least expect them. 

Where is your favorite place to decompress & unwind? 

Anywhere on the or by the water. As a family we try to escape to a lake house for a few weeks every summer. Great place for us to check out for a bit and relax. Is anyone familiar with Lake Oconee in GA? 

When do you feel your best, and what do you do to stay in good vibrations?  

Exercise, eating right, and expanding my skills helps me to feel my best. Movement is important to me – walking, gym, Peloton, swimming – and so is taking care of my health.  

Why did you choose Ampersand Studios as your workspace?  

The community, no doubt. Great people, creative minds, open space, and huge opportunities.  

Where can our community connect with you? Please share your website, social media channels and/or other relevant links.  

The only social media I have is LinkedIn. Feel free to send me an invite to connect. Company socials are below. We do a lot of webinars for anyone interested. Email & cell are also below.  



Company Website: https://defymortgage.com/ 

Twitter: @defymortgage 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/defymortgage_/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/defymortgage/ 



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