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This month’s Miami &Member Spotlight features founder and principal of FDG Design Group, Fatima Silva, an internationally recognized interior designer. Her South African roots, Portuguese heritage, and Hong Kong experience influence her unique approach of constantly exploring and drawing inspiration from history and architecture—creating synergy between collected pieces or simply the excitement to create. This is the ethos that underpins every project she works on. 

FDG is a full-service Interior Design Consulting firm specializing in Luxury and bespoke Interiors. Our work crosses over from residential to private resort design.

Join us as we learn a little more about Fatima:

What inspires/motivates you to get out of bed?

The idea of constantly learning and exploring is a motivator to start every day with the quest for the new and unexpected.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

My morning macchiato!

Where do your brightest ideas come from?

Inspiration can be sparked in the most unsuspecting places, traveling and experiencing various cultures and traditions are a source of inspiration. The love for fashion and art that influence colors, textures and patterns are great idea generators.

Where is your favorite place to decompress & unwind?

Beach vacations enjoying the ocean breeze in the company of good friends.

When do you feel your best, and what do you do to stay in the vibration?

I have always been drawn to the water, being in and near the water invigorates my spirit. Yoga and an active lifestyle have also been vital to maintaining a work/life balance.

Why did you choose Ampersand Studios as your workspace?

We were drawn to the creative shared workspace with Ampersand Studios as a great base for our Miami design team to set up the studio. As a collaborative studio we value open floor plans that showcase elevated design, creative collaboration and the idea of being part of a club environment. 

Thank you, Fatima, for being part of the Ampersand Studios community! We value being the office backdrop for your Miami team. 

To connect with FDG Design Group, follow them on Instagram or visit them online.



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Meet Danny Cardozo, renowned photographer and director specialized in fashion, beauty, swim and luxury brands. Danny is a Member of Ampersand Studios Miami and frequents our production studio as the backdrop for his editorial productions. Join us as we learn more about Danny is this month’s &Member Spotlight. What’s something

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Meet Brian Ferguson, Nashville-based Ampersand Studios Member and Founder of Arena Labs.  Thank you for joining us for this month’s Member Spotlight, Brian. Can you tell us more about what you do? We coach doctors and nurses how to manage stress and pressure. Our company created the field of High

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This month’s Miami &Member Spotlight features the founder of SentiCon Security, John Masserini. Aside from years experience in the cybersecurity space, John is a huge foodie and wine connoisseur. and shares a bit about how he stays inspired in this technical space. Let’s get right into it. Who are you

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